

Hello! I help build vibrant, mission-driven businesses that will be taken seriously & energize the visionary, founders who run them. Let's Discover your Brave YES Advantage™ and help you get more sales. JOIN THE LAB: Subscribe now to the Braving Leadership Coaching LAB Newsletter for leaders and emerging leaders who want to play bigger. For FREE inspirational newsletters, subscribe below.

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A Visibility Check-In for You

Hey there, Firefly! Are you thriving and shining right now or are you withering under the heat or the overwhelm? One of my favorite summertime pastimes is to sit outside in the evening and watch the fireflies start to shimmer their light to all who will watch. They seem to prance and linger. They aren't afraid to shine bright. As a business owner, you have to be VISIBLE and let your light shine in order to grow sales and revenue. But, I bet that's not how you think ... I bet you've been...

Set Your Brave YES Business Intentions (Part 1)

Wow! Welcome to ALL of my new subscribers! 👋 Hello. I'm Shawn (she/her) 👋 and I am a business strategist and courage coach for small business owners and leaders -- and their teams -- who want to thrive & make a deeper impact in your business and industry. Let's Discover your Brave YES Advantage™ together. Hello! Right now the teens are swimming in the pool or hanging at the beach. The dog is sprawled out at my feet waiting for her walk, which isn't happening because of the heat. And, I'm...

Don't Let Summer Slide Impact Your Business

Hey there! I'll be honest, I don't believe in the whole summer slow down for a business that needs to grow. Taking the summer off can lead to summer slide. I never have changed how I operate in the summer -- even when my kiddos were little and off school for the summer. But, I have always built in a lot of rest all year long ... and, I was super creative on the how and when. As a result, I've hit some great momentum in the summer months over the past decade+ of running my businesses. Sure,...

So, How's Business??

Hey there! How's Business? Do you get this question? I'll be honest, I always dread this question from family members. My 95-year-old mother-in-law asks me this from time to time. What do you say? Couldn't be better!!? It's complicated? Good-ish? Could be better? Always a work in progress? I can't sleep at night? Ugh. Don't ask.?? Depends on the day? Not ready to get a real job, yet? So, how's business, really? Here's what I would say if I'm being honest ... My experience has been ALL...

Happy May! The Real Question to Ask Yourself This Month

Hey there! It's May!? What's on your to-do list this month? A lot, I bet. More than you could actually make happen, I'm sure. But, the real question to ask isn't if your list too long ... or beyond possible. The real question is this: Is what I'm focusing on this week the best areas to put my energy? Too often, I encounter small business owners and consultants chasing a lot of ambitious goals and projects that fall into other people's Zone of Brilliance but they think they should be doing...

Shift Your Story: A Challenge to Embrace the AND

Hello! I'm Shawn (she/her). I've been and am a lot of things: Creative business strategist. Coach. Speaker. Facilitator. Writer. Mom. Nature obsessed. Meaning-chaser. Morning lover. Community builder. GenXer. Activist. Mindfulness expert. Jane of all trades. Recovering journalist. Justice and Equity leader. Join my Braving YES Community over on Substack -- please! Braving YES is a coaching newsletter and community for ambitious creatives, visionaries and thought leaders who struggle between...

Map Your Magic with Me!

Are you trying to GROW your authority and expertise (and revenue) this year? Let's do it! I'm someone who wakes up and has more ideas before breakfast than most people have all week. It's true. I'm an idea machine, which is why I love coaching so I can pass on all of those ideas! :) Most of my clients are multipossibilitarians as well and have a lot of interests, passions, and ideas and chaos in their brains and marketing as a result. One of my superpowers is helping my clients turn their BIG...

Are you making people stop and go ... hmmm????

Hey there -- me again :) Are you turning heads with your amazing work? Are you making people stop and go ... hmmm???? Or, are you busy trying to learn the ropes of others? One of the most common toxic side effects of starting a business is leaning too far and for far too long in Beginner's Mindset. You know ... you need to learn all the things because you are new at this so you sign up for all kinds of courses and programs that will teach you someone else's scalable tactic -- their planning...

What's Your Next Brave YES Power Move?

Hello, Hello :) I remember the exact moment I left my 9 to 5 job to become a full-time business owner as if it was yesterday. I walked out and took a picture of my shoes on the concrete outside my office building. I quickly and mindfully walked the alley to the parking garage -- joy exuding from my wholebeing. I was present for every step away from a job I didn't love and toward a life I longed for -- more time with our 5-year-old twin daughters and a ton of creative freedom. We had 6 months...