A year from now you might be happier than you've ever been ... all because you said a Brave Yes™ ...

It's time for you to take up space in your life.
It's time for you to use your voice.
It's time for you to LEAD with courage.

That is exactly what we're on a mission to do here in the The Brave Yes™ community is a compassionate space for socially conscious creative women who are ready to live, lead, create with more courage and authenticity.

Welcome to you! Sign up for our newsletter & get inspired to live, create & lead more boldly in your life, career or business.

Every week, I'll send you a Brave Yes™ newsletter with resilience and well-being resources, lessons, failures and inspiration from my own life or my clients. I'll also send you links to recent Brave Yes™ podcast episodes, blog posts and upcoming offerings to help you start or travel along on your own Brave Yes™ Journey.

PLUS --> you'll get my 10 Brave Yes Living Tips to download as well.

Sign up here.

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    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    Shawn Fink

    A coach and guide for your Brave Yes™ Living and Leadership Journey.

    Who am I?

    I am a coach for quiet changemakers who are ready to embrace braver living, leading and creating. I help you cultivate unshakeable resilience and well-being to withstand the discomfort of courageous living.

    Who is this newsletter for?

    • Any woman who has been playing small and is ready to use her voice and her strengths and talents more boldly.
    • A woman who is ready to reignite her creativity and take her life to a new level.
    • A creative soul who wants to play bigger and take up more space by living the Brave Yes Life.